Approval Times*

New Time Updates for Approvals - May 2020

The time frame for the approval process has grown even longer during the pandemic. It may take as long as several months to get through a review during this time; in some areas, reviews may not be taking place at all, and in others, although the reviews are being done, it's even slower than normal. Unfortunately, because of the virus, all you can do is wait until the reviews are completed.

---end of update---



In late August 2011 Adsense implemented a new approval process for publishers applying for Adsense. This multi-step process will most likely speed-up the initial approval times.

When a publisher files an application for Adsense they will do an early (preliminary) review of the site, and will review and check the applicants details. If the application makes it through this stage, the hopeful publisher will be notified.

Then they will receive access to an Adsense account, and they will now be given an adsense code which they must place on the website they submitted with their Adsense application. This should be done fairly quickly because the next step of the application process will not occur until the ad code is on the website. You won't see the ads (except perhaps for a few minutes) because they'll be blank until the final review.

Once code is posted by the publisher on their site, the website is available for adsense to review and come to a final decision.

You can read the full application process on the Inside Adsense blog, here.

For a more detailed explanation of the process, see the article on this page: Adsense Approval Process: Explained

---End of Update---

Approval for AdSense applications is way behind folks.

The application page says 48 hours, and after verification a week, however, it's way wrong. That can happen, but most often it can take anywhere from a week to a month.

Yes, a month!!!

Sorry guys, all you can really do is wait til they review you. If you haven't heard in a month's time, post in the AdSense forum and someone will get to you.