Friday, May 6, 2011

Adsense, Blogger, Gmail and Google - Disabled Accounts

In recent months we've seen a couple of round of wholesale account removals by Google. Their automatic spam procedures have nuked hundreds (possibly thousands) of accounts; some rightfully so, and some in error.

How it works isn't something I'm going to go through in-depth, but if you really want to understand how this happens, read this article by one of Blogger's most prolific Top Contributors. He explains how the spam detection system works, and why some ordinary blogs and/or accounts get caught in the filter. He also explains how to get your account back, but - the final review is...the final review. If your account is still deemed as spam and not restored, it will be because humans have reviewed it manually and still found it meets the qualifications for spam.

When you login to your Google, Gmail or Blogger account and see this:"Your account has been disabled" you need to click on the "contact us" link provided. That should take you to a page explaining that your Google account has been disabled. Read the information on the page, and follow the instructions - follow the instructions precisely. In other words, review the Terms of Service and be absolutely certain your account(s) follow those terms before you submit any other form. There is a contact form at the end of the page - if your account meets the terms, use the contact form.

If you were caught in the spam filter accidentally, there's a pretty good chance you will have your account restored.

On the other hand, if your blog contained any of the things Blogger considers outside of their policy, or is seen as spam, you won't get your blog(s) back, and you probably won't get your Google account back either.

Some of the things considered to fall outside of the terms of use on Blogger/Google are also some of things Adsense considers to be unsuitable for displaying ads, so if you use Blogger and Adsense, then you need to pay attention to this. If your blog contains the following type of content - you may be caught in the next round of Google nukes.

  • Affiliate marketing.
  • Content created with scripts and programs, rather than by hand
  • Auto-generated contents
  • Content or links referencing GPT, PTC, PTS, 'Make money from home', 'Make money fast', or other referral-based activities
  • Link Farms
  • Content scraped from other sources, duplicate contents
  • Copyright Infringement
  • Large blogs with multiple, unfocused / unrelated subjects.
  • Links to Illegal Downloads / Streaming / Torrents.

An explanation of Blogger's Content Policy is found here: Blogger Content Policy

If your blog contains these types of content, you better start cleaning them up now. Sooner or later, Blogger or Adsense, or even Google will remove your accounts if you don't.


Losing a Blogger account usually means...well, you lose your blog. Losing an Adsense account means you can't monetize with Adsense any longer, but you might still have your blog or other Google Services. Losing your Google Account is a much larger problem.

A Google Account is like a giant umbrella over all of your other services provided by Google. The Google Account login allows you to login to any Google service you've signed up for - it's much like the key to the filing cabinet. Without it, you can't get any of the filing drawers to open.

If you lose your blogger account, and only your blogger account, you may still have access to your other Google services.

If you lose your Google Account, you literally lose access to any other services you had under that umbrella. This is important - so pay attention. This is not just "when Google disables your account". The same thing occurs if YOU delete your own Google account.

We see this frequently in the Adsense forums. Someone decides they want a new Google Account (for whatever reason) - to use a different name, or to only use some of the products, or just to organize their accounts a little better.

The first thing they do is go "delete" their Google Account.

Then they wonder why they can't access any of their other Google services. They can't, because by deleting the Google Account, they've just thrown away the key to the cabinet. Without the Google account, you now have no access to anything else under that umbrella.

If you plan to move your blogs, or gmail or adsense account (or any other Google service) to a new account, you need to request help in the appropriate help forum BEFORE you delete your old Google Account.


  1. Hi Gracey,
    I want to contact you but I am not sure how to?

    I want your help on my question...
    my question is below on google answers:

    Please can you reply on it?

    Thanks and appreciating your work.

  2. my adsense got disabled

    i get that account back ??

    is there any way to get that back


  3. @likharry - I answered your question on the help forum.

    @Mayank :D - it depends on the reason your account was disabled. The only thing you can do is file an appeal.

  4. Hi Gracy,

    I trust you are doing good.

    Can you please help me on getting active permission to use Adsense Custom Search Ads for my adsense account?

    I posted a topic on the forum.

    If you can throw me some light I will be grateful.


  5. Kiran - I left you an answer in the adsense forum.

  6. Thanks Gracey.. so nice of you.

    I posted few more queries on the forum. Sorry for bothering you.

  7. I had registered a adsense account with the user name "neo4sxn" ,i was running my ads on another's website, as my own website is under construction.On 26 of september google disabled my account without any reasonn mention in there email.I want to know that why they done so ?

    The email i got from them :-

    "While going through our records recently, we found that your AdSense
    account has posed a significant risk to our AdWords advertisers. Since
    keeping your account in our publisher network may financially damage
    our advertisers in the future, we've decided to disable your account.

    Please understand that we consider this a necessary step to protect the
    interests of both our advertisers and our other AdSense publishers. We
    realize the inconvenience this may cause you, and we thank you in
    advance for your understanding and cooperation.

    If you have any questions about your account or the actions we've
    taken, please do not reply to this email. You can find more information
    by visiting


    The Google AdSense Team"

  8. I had registered a adsense account with the user name "neo4sxn" ,i was running my ads on another's website, as my own website is under construction.On 26 of september google disabled my account without any reasonn mention in there email.I want to know that why they done so ?

    The email i got from them :-

    "While going through our records recently, we found that your AdSense
    account has posed a significant risk to our AdWords advertisers. Since
    keeping your account in our publisher network may financially damage
    our advertisers in the future, we've decided to disable your account.

    Please understand that we consider this a necessary step to protect the
    interests of both our advertisers and our other AdSense publishers. We
    realize the inconvenience this may cause you, and we thank you in
    advance for your understanding and cooperation.

    If you have any questions about your account or the actions we've
    taken, please do not reply to this email. You can find more information
    by visiting


    The Google AdSense Team"

  9. Gracey sorry is this bother you .

    I recently got banned and i have explained my situation in the google help forum

    you have lots of experience with google, i couldn't share my website there because of click bombing from bad guys ( competitors) as they follow me always .

    Please help me in this .
    best regards

  10. Hello Gracey,

    I Have Made a Topic on Google Adsense Please can you Guide me There, Thanks

    thanks for helping

  11. Nice one, there is actually some good points on this blog some of my readers may find this useful, I must send a link, many thanks...
    Visit:- Gmail Help


Please DO NOT DROP LINKS HERE using monetized URL shorteners or the comments will be marked as spam. DO NOT post links to affiliate sites or links to promote your website. This is a "NO FOLLOW" blog.

If you want help with an actual blog or website, please just post for help in the Adsense forum, or leave your G+ profile link. I will not publish comments with blog/website or channel links.
